Well.. just putting in an update.. it's been a while. I had my surgery.. it went ok.. it's amazing how much going for surgery reminded me of giving birth in a hospital.. scary.. made me cry.. I'll stick with homebirth if we have more.. I was feeling pretty good a few days ago but yesterday was feeling pretty bad.. really tender and swollen.. so I got some antibiotics.. the incision around my belly button was infected and my lymph glands in my groin were swollen like crazy.. it hurt to walk yesterday and I couldn't bend down without it really hurting like crazy.
Mom and I went shopping yesterday.. We picked up some cute little shoes and a bathing suit for Tisha and got Drew his lightsaber so he can be Jedi with the other kids. We also grabbed 10 bags of sand for Joey's sandbox. Then we all went to free burger day at Harvey's. Matt and I made up an awesome trout dinner on the barbecue. Matt tried a new recipe for hot asparagus salad.. It was delicious! We found out that Tisha likes trout more than she likes bread! Once mine was gone she was trying to get Matt's off of his plate..lol

I got some cute pics of Matt yesterday
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Mom bought Joey some new sand for his sandbox.. Got the cool sandbox off of freecycle. Joey was so happy to finally get some sand.. he bought himself some sand toys with his birthday money last month and has been waiting since then for sand.
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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Tisha was being really cute on mom's lap.. so of course I took a few pics.. got some really good ones too.
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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

and that's about it for today :)


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