tried out a new pattern today :) This one also has matching dresses for cabbage patch kids.. I can't wait to make some matching dresses in a few days when I have time to sew again!
So I get home and check my email.. and there's all these emails from bloggersupport.. about the password info I requested... grrrr.. someone has been trying to hack into my blog... WTF? like is my blog THAT important? Weird too because the people who have peeved me off most lately.. I haven't mentioned here.. at all... not because I think I'm in the wrong.. I just don't want to say things I might regret later. BCZ.. man there are things I WISH I could say... you know who you are.. and your opinion of me is shit.. and you'd think family would be more supportive.. but I guess you don't consider me as much family as I consider you... whatever.. no biggie.. no huge loss to me.. I got my hours increased at work.. starting next week.. doubling my shifts.. so I'll be working a lot more.. and making a lot more money.. here's a little thing for all of you questioning if I can afford another kid... Matt just got 1.50$ raise.. I just got 25c raise and dou...
well.. I'm done surgery.. that was yesterday.. I'm finally unstoned enough to type. Still in a bit of pain but no where near as bad as I thought it would be. They said my gallbladder was like a little bag packed with gravel.. with over 100 stones... and adhesions all over it.. so it was stuck to all my other internal organs because it had been inflamed for so long.. which explains why I was getting such bad attacks and so often.. I tried out a new pattern for Tisha's diapers.. Copied her Motherease dipes that I love.. only made them out of flannel and used velcro and they're pocket dipes.. Quite cute I'd say :) Sewed these the night before surgery and the morning before to keep my mind off of it. I think they turned out really nice.. I have some nice bamboo fabric coming in the mail to stuff them with so they should be quite absorbent.. I'm pretty excited about that. I can't wait to use them on her little bum.. they're so cute.. I also can't wait...
so my little drew is my new personal chef.. what a great kid.. I was so tired one day so he offered to cook for me.. apparently one of the wonderful skillz they teach at scouts... and I figured out a recipe for making peanut brittle in the microwave..! totally cool! and easy!! and mmmmmmmm Tisha has been to her first halloween party this year.. dressed up as tinkerbell. the costume lasted about maybe half an hour.. then it was " OFF!!! OFF!!!" and that was the end of that.. we'll see how trick or treating goes tomorrow. anyone who knows my girlie knows that her favorite animals are ponies and crocodiles... We were lucky enough to find crocodile slippers at value village the other day! how cool is that? Joey decided he was joining gymnastics today too so after that the boys and I carved our pumpkins tonight.. we decided to do one classic kid designed white one.. one skull.. one with a stem for a nose.. and one puking.. (puke will be added later when he is outside)