who was trying to hack into my blogger?? was it you??
So I get home and check my email.. and there's all these emails from bloggersupport.. about the password info I requested... grrrr.. someone has been trying to hack into my blog... WTF? like is my blog THAT important? Weird too because the people who have peeved me off most lately.. I haven't mentioned here.. at all... not because I think I'm in the wrong.. I just don't want to say things I might regret later. BCZ.. man there are things I WISH I could say... you know who you are.. and your opinion of me is shit.. and you'd think family would be more supportive.. but I guess you don't consider me as much family as I consider you... whatever.. no biggie.. no huge loss to me.. I got my hours increased at work.. starting next week.. doubling my shifts.. so I'll be working a lot more.. and making a lot more money.. here's a little thing for all of you questioning if I can afford another kid... Matt just got 1.50$ raise.. I just got 25c raise and dou...