My Journal Assignment for nov 23
What I would say if I had the courage to say it…. Quit trying to impose your values on my life! My life experiences have shaped my values, and yours have shaped yours. If I keep trying to live up to your values I'm going to regret the way I've lived my life. I don't want to get to heaven rich. I don't want to lie on my deathbed wishing I had spent more time with my children. I don't want to die lonely. I really don't care if I make "enough" money, as long as I have time with my family and enough to eat. I don't care that your opinions don't mesh with mine, and I wish you would quit trying to make me see things your way. I saw thing that way before, other things I've seen have changed my mind. I wish you would quit trying to involve me in your fights. Don't try to turn me again anyone else. I don't want to be in the middle of it. SHUT UP! I don't want all your negative thoughts swirling around in my head! I don...