(thought I'd share Drew's speech with you. .it's pretty funny and almost mostly true.. except the parts about him falling on his head, the skunks) I want to tell you about a dog named Jack Jack that we once had! I'm going to tell you some of the things he liked to do. My mom certainly didn't like the things he did. Especially when she had to clean up the mess. We started off with a calm, extremely lazy Bichon Frise named Chelsea, and she gave birth to a puppy named Jack Jack. It stated off fine, he was a cute cuddly puppy. Then there was the accident. He fell off the couch onto his head, he was hurt. We took him to the vets. They said he had a concussion, and would be fine in a couple of weeks. But we realized he wasn't fine. We started noticing he was acting insane. He started taking my sister's diapers out of the garbage, and ripping them up on our white carpet. We would let him outside to do his business, but we found presents in the base...