
Showing posts from December, 2006


Just wanted to post a newer pic of Tisha.. she's so adorable! I'm totally smitten.. lol

Baby Tisha was born today!

Just to let you all know... our little princess was born this morning.. sorry to take so long to update you but I've been sleeping most of the day... only got about 2 hours of sleep last night.. :) labor started at about 11pm and she wasn't born until 8:55am. We did manage to have the birth we dreamed of.. at home in our bed. I went to sleep at 2 am thinking it was probably false labor again.. woke up at 4.. decided I was probably wrong.. cuz those things were starting to really hurt.. called the midwives.. our midwife Jenn got there at 5 am.. checked me.. I was at 5cm.. so that was a sure sign we were having our baby today :) 2 hours later I was only to 6-7 cm.. so we broke my water.. another hour passed.. (in the tub with me matt and my friend amy watching pirates of the carribean on the mini tv and laughing at the situation) and I was still at 6-7... so the midwife did one of her little tricks.. and suggested that walking around might speed things up.. Amy had to leav...