the puke monster has come to visit.. grrrrrr..
Well.. another day.. another boring boring day. We have these old dressers... looking kinda bad.. well.. not kinda.. they look REALLY bad.. and so the guy in the mall who does the furniture refinishing.. sent out an estimator to see what it would cost to refinish them.. make em pretty again.. well.. I had no inkling of just how expensive it is to refinish dressers.... they wanted.. 600$ per dresser.. geez.. nope.. not gonna happen.. no way.. no how.. I will take up furniture refinishing as a hobby myself before I pay that kinda money.. jeepers creepers.. on the upside.. I am reaffirmed that they are worth fixing up.. also.. she mentioned in passing that my piano stool is probably worth about 2000$ .. rough estimate.. on the low side.. she says.. still not parting with it.. that piano stool is probably the coolest peice of furniture in this entire house.. it's got little claw feet.. with like.. crystal balls on the bottom.. and apparently it's mahogany.. and wouldn't h...