
Showing posts from October, 2005

It's Isadora Greta's birthday!!

Well it's been another interesting week.. of course I've spent more time at the JK.. this week we made our jack o lantern. All I have to say is WOW.. one of the kids dad's came in and helped the kids make a blue's clue's Jack o lantern... with a cool pic of Blue and a bat on the front.. and then all the paw print "clues" in the back.. then he put in a flashing light.. and wow.. Clue's all over the wall behind a really cool looking pumpkin!! One of the kids will get to take it home tomorrow... Man I hope it's Joey... maybe I should volunteer monday... I was checking my emails this morning.. and It's Isadora Greta's Birthday!!! Dora is the CPK the my sister got me for my birthday.. she's an adorable hispanic girlie with beautiful long cornsilk hair.. I just loves her.. Maybe I'll make her a new dress today.. I have to make one for Celina's doll anyways.. she's been hinting that her CPK might like a new halloween dress...

Well.. it's been another week in paradise...

I fully appreciate how much I love the chaos that is my life... Matt and the kids went up to the cottage for the weekend last weekend... and the silence around here was deafening.. I really am way too used to the constant roar of life happenning around me.. I think the entire weekend I just felt like crying I was so lonely for them.. On the other hand.. it's amazing how clean the house stays when it's just me here.. and how much sewing I can get done. I finally made my first quilt.. it was tiny.. but looks quite nice in my doll bed. I won some quilt squares off of ebay and thought they would make a much bigger quilt.. but for some reason 40 4" squares make a tiny little doll quilt.. oh well.. now I know.. What I want to do eventually is make new quilts for my bed and the kids beds.. it's probably better if I practice on doll quilts for a bit yet though... because quite frankly.. I suck.. It's been a good week... Matt's been in training in the evenings.. so he...

the turkey says COCK A DOODLE DOO!!!!!

Well.. I've had another interesting morning at JK.... today was our thanksgiving party.. which translated means.. I got to stuff paperbags full of popcorn and staple turkey heads on em.. and then I got to share the food.. which rocked!! So almost at the end of the meal it was time to take photo's of the kids for their memory books.. and the thought occurs to me.. maybe we shoulda done pictures BEFORE the grape juice... and we're doing the pictures with their little turkeys that they (read "me") made.. and Isabella starts crowing like a rooster.. COCKADOODLEDOO.. while making her turkey move like he's making the noise.. so I try to explain that turkeys say GOBBLEGOBBLEGOBBLE... but seriously.. none of them would beleive me.. and the next thing you know.. the whole room is a chorus of COCKADOODLEDOO's and LOUD.. and I've totally lost control.. Teacher saves the day... shut off the light.. silence.. why the heck didn't I think of that??? ...

Matt says I need to update my blog....

Well.. sorry it's been so long.. I've been sick.. and busy :) It's been a fun bit of time.. have had a week off of work now because of a sinus infection.. and when I say off of work.. I mean.. I couldn't even babysit.. I was THAT sick....ick.. I HATE getting sick.. Things at the school have quieted down.. most of the trouble makers have been moved to the afternoon class.. something to do with them being in daycare anyways.. and because of that being more flexible.. though I find it kinda funny that for the most part.. only the REALLY bad kids got put in the afternoon.. with Heba thrown in to make up for it... (she's a complete little sweetheart)... I'm not sure why Muslims would put their kid into a catholic school.. but hey.. it's their decision.. We spent the last couple days putting together turkey bums with the JK class... see.. they're going to be making turkeys out of paper bags.. filled with popcorn.. and we were making the turkeys ...